Saturday, March 14, 2009

Alauna'a 5th Birthday

Alauna's Birthday was last Wednesday, the 4th of March. I can't believe she is 5 years old already. For her birthday I got off of work early and after she got off the bus from school, I took her to Walmart to pick out a Birthday cake. She insisted on having the Tinker Bell cupcakes, and I tried to get her to pick something that had the whipped topping, but she insisted on Tinker Bell. Luckily the lady at the bakery let me pick a blank whipped topping cake and she put the Tinker Bell decorations on it and personalized it for her, so we were both happy. The Tinker Bell decorations just happened to have 5 Rings with it, and she turned 5 years old. Then we went and got some flowers and balloons. Later that night we went over to my aunt Rachel's house for cake and ice cream and of course to open presents. Afterwards she wanted to watch her new Barbie Diamond Castle movie, much to Les' dismay. He was a good sport and sat down and watched it with us. Then she watched it over and over again for the next few days. Les wanted to throw it away.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's a Boy!

I had an ultra sound and some blood work done on Tuesday. It looks like we are definately having a boy! We took Alauna with us to help her get used to the idea that we are actually having a baby this time. She was really excited to see the baby on the TV and was really interested until the Tech told us that we're having a boy. She got really upset after that and started crying. She had no interest in watching the rest of the ultra-sound and on the way home she said "mom I really, really, really, want a baby girl." I asked her if she was still going to help me with the baby and she said "No, I 'm only going to help my baby sister." So now about 5 days later, she has gotten used to the idea of having a brother and she is ok with it now. I'm sure she is going to be a big helper.